Sunday, December 9, 2007


28" X 34"



"Mind Gear" is an abstract, contemporary piece with lots of crazy elements. It was created using thick acrylic paint, broken glass, metal washers, and stencils. One of the stencils I used was a found bike gear that my husband left in my studio. "Mine now!!!" As a result, I named it "Mind Gear". It is colorful, dynamic, and unique. Anyone who is a cycling enthusiast will be attracted to this fun painting.



Saturday, December 8, 2007


The following exerpt was taken from SUPPORT THE ARTS!

Why buy handmade?
Pledge News

Buying Handmade makes for better gift-giving.

The giver of a handmade gift has avoided the parking lots and long lines of the big chain stores in favor of something more meaningful. If the giver has purchased the gift, s/he feels the satisfaction of supporting an artist or crafter directly. The recipient of the handmade gift receives something that is one-of-a-kind, and made with care and attention that can
be seen and touched. It is the result of skill and craftsmanship that is absent in the world of large-scale manufacturing.

Buying handmade is better for people.

The ascendancy of chain store culture and global manufacturing has left us dressing, furnishing, and decorating alike. We are encouraged to be consumers, not producers, of our own culture. Our ties to the local and human sources of our goods have been lost. Buying handmade helps us reconnect.

Buying handmade is better for the environment.

The accumulating environmental effects of mass production are a major cause of global warming and the poisoning of our air, water and soil. Every item you make or purchase from a small-scale independent artist or crafter strikes a small blow to the forces of mass production.

I Took The Handmade Pledge!


Friday, December 7, 2007


 Featured Artwork!!

The following paintings is new and is FOR SALE!!!

5" X 7"
$65 + s/h

I hope life brings everyone joy this holiday season!!

Tara Studios

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wow! Me?

Hello friends!

Wendy Baylis, the fabulous artist behind "Darma Designs", has just featured my art and my Etsy shop on her blog. I am delighted and flattered to share the link with you! Please, visit to read the fabulous blog!

Seasons Greetings!

P.S. Thank you Wendy!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hope has a sassy color!!!

Hello crazy people! I have been really busy this month! I just started a part-time job as a sassy cashier at my favorite joint Whole Foods. Love it! On top of ringing in organic produce, I'm a focused mom to my 2 year old and I occasionally paint canvases (wink wink). I also, try to sell my art, clean the house, do laundry and put it away (I hate that part), cook healthy meals, and have some kind of adult conversation with my husband. Oh yeah, I also am trying to get back into a regular work out regimen (my last blog). I guess I can sleep when I am old and I must be eating good because my jeans are still tight. Anyway, I'm a busy chick! On top of my chaos, I have been working really hard on finishing a special piece. My special paintings is titled "An Angel named Hope." The drumroll pppllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssseeee!!!

ttttaaaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Here she is my beautiful angel of hope. Now this painting is out of the ordinary for me. It's different from my usual Buddha inspired, asian mixed media masterpieces (I'm being sarcastic). However, I think I may have pulled it off. Now, what's important is the underlying meaning behind this work of art. I have breast cancer on both sides of my families and I recently discovered a friend had gone through the whole ordeal at the tender age of 29. Yikes! Let's put it this way. My spiritual thoughts have been incorporated in every stroke of this painting. I don't think it is the best craftsmanship I have ever put out there, but the incredible feelings put forth into it make up for it. Enough of the sappy stuff. Let's talk about art!

The following picture is a detail of Hopes' pink sash. It has gold lettering that spell out HOPE and white and pink rhinestones. I have to add these to everything. I love rhinestones. One day, my husband is going to wake up with a bunch of rhinestones glued to his face. Hee Hee. Also, Hope's wings have the slightest bit of sparkle from the tiniest touch of glitter. Many thin layers of metallic paint and thick texture was applied in the background. I had fun painting this painting because I got to be very girlie. To all the women of the world..........Blessings!!

Oh before I go. I just want to tell ya that I will be accepting offers to buy this painting. Half the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Also, it has been entered into a show at in regards to Breast Cancer Awareness. Here's the link:

If you would like to purchase or see more pictures, go to my etsy store:

Well, I think that about wraps it up. I'm tired and I want to catch up on some loss sleep. Good night my friends!!! Ladies.......check your boobies:)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Life is Great

If anyone is listening, I just want to say "Life is Great." Arizona's blistering heat has melted away and the best weather on Earth has presented itself to us. I can't reiterate it enough that I hate Arizona summers. They are torture. You end up spending alot of time inside or in your 90 degree pool water. So, when October arrives, I always feel a rebirth and shed my cranky skin. Therefore, with heaven's weather upon us, I decided to start my outdoors workout regimen all over again. Last night, my precious husband cleaned and put air in my jogging stroller's tires for me. What a sweetie! He knows that when I get a good workout in, I am a nicer, more focused, lovable person.

To kick off my season of greatness, I woke up and made some fresh juice using carrots, apples, kale, and a pear. Yummy, ya gotta love the Jack La Lanne juicer! I didn't ingest my usual dark roast with a shot of soy milk for no apparent reason. I guess you could say that I just needed a spark of earthly nutrients. After my morning earthy cocktail, I strapped my 2 year old, Jerry, in my jogging stroller and went for a ride. Well, actually he went for a ride and I set out to test the good ol' heart rate. With toddler in tow, I started huffing and puffing around my neighborhood. I can say that I am definitely not in the best shape of my life, but I felt good. While keeping an open eye out for our safety, I slowly slipped into my zone and meditated on life. I felt extremely grateful to live in such a beautiful state and neighborhood, to be healthy enough to jog, wealthy enough to own my stroller, and to have such great friends and family. Jerry and I pointed to the big yellow school buses as they passed and waved to the middle schoolers as they slowly walked to school. At the end of our route, we stopped by our neighborhood park and played on the slide for a little while. After hearing the growls in our stomachs, we headed back home to eat breakfast. The sun was was a great morning.

When I got back to the house, I started a fairly large painting (30" x 40") symbolic of the month of October and the awareness of breast cancer. The evolution of this painting will follow in my........yep you guessed it................... next blog.

Stay tuned...............................

Friday, September 28, 2007

Who is this chick, Tara?

Who is this chick?

Okay, here it is. This art crap is just not for me. Maybe you have already seen it in my work or maybe you didn’t and want to know who the loser is behind the paint. If you are looking for a list of degrees, accomplishments, exhibitions, awards, commissions, then you better brake and flip a bitch. I’m just a feisty, Italian Jersey girl who has been cursed with creativity. Artist Statements, websites, and bios are like heartburn after a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. I just want to express myself and share it with whoever will notice. Part of me doesn’t give a poo poo about the professional process it takes to be successful, and then there’s that feisty side of me that yearns for everything under the sun. The ladder is what forces me to conform and throw in these practicalities of introducing myself with the art. Ugghh! Here it goes….

From the beginning, I was always creating whether it was drawing on my great grandmother’s walls or picking out my original, stylish outfits in high school (never wore the same outfit twice). Inhibitions didn’t exist. I wanted it, I got it. I thought of it, I drew it. My mom displayed my art and bragged to friends. Big deal! Life was easy. I had art classes up the yin yang and won some awards that counted at the time, but that was the extent of it. I wanted to be an artist, designer, actress, mother, etc. The whole “making a living” was non existence until college.

College was a joke. I basically majored in having fun with the two coolest chicks I knew (Karen and Alli), and minored in drinking margaritas and breaking guys’ hearts. The whole package cost approximately $30,000 and change, but the fun was invaluable (I’m still paying for it). The final result was a BFA from Arizona State University and whole lot to laugh about over coffee with Karen and Alli. Throughout the party, I had heard it all. Everyone asked that stupid question “What are you going to do with an art degree?” I never had a non-sarcastic, logical answer. All I knew was that I was happy creating art and I was good at it. Besides, I didn’t fit in with the rich, mall shopping, sorority seeking beauties in the business college. Anyway, college was a life experience. I really didn’t “learn anything” until I hit the road block or what you call the work place.

My first non-waiting table job was as the Events Coordinator for GameWorks. I coordinated corporate outings in a dark mechanical place of video games. I probably don’t have to elaborate on the fact that it didn’t serve as a life long career. Duh! My next job was as a Project Coordinator of a website design firm. A more creative and full filling job for about…ah…eight months. I couldn’t justify working sixty hours a week for someone else’s dreams when I had my own. The ass kissing and time crunching wasn’t exactly making up for my lack of art making. Time to go!!! I found myself soul searching again. I despised the corporate world but needed to support my cute shoe habit and the need to eat. Putting my ego to the curb, I decided to go back to waiting tables and focus on building an art career. I admit that I did paint a lot. Painting was my safe haven after I had to half heartedly smile at my customers in hope that they didn’t choke on their toxic food and that they liked me enough to leave their chump change on the table. I took that chump change to the art store and threw it in that big black hole called art. As a result, I was always broke, unhappy, and forever searching. However, I did have more time to read spiritual and self help books, practice yoga, meditate and think about the future. I amerced myself in a sea of acrylic paint and hopeful dreams of making the world prettier with my art.

Well things really haven’t changed much! If you are one of those who are looking for that fairytale ending, then stop reading and rent a Disney movie because my story hasn’t ended yet. I am still that 5’2” feisty Italian (maybe a few pounds heavier) who strives to be a successful, non-starving artist. The good part is that I don’t have to wait tables or surrender to the numbing corporate bull shit. Instead I am a blessed mother of an adorable son and the lucky wife of a construction worker who makes enough money to support my art curse, cute shoes, and this crazy website. I am very lucky to wake up everyday to a hot cup of coffee and the laughter of my son in Chandler, AZ. I take him to my gym, feed him healthy food, and then play with him until it is nap time. We eat snacks and play until my husband comes home to entertain us until bed time. I don’t have the stress of work and I can squeeze art in quite often. I lead a happy privileged life in which I always thought would full fill me as a person. NOT!!!

I am still searching for something else to go along with my blessings. I want success as an artist. I want my paintings to hang above everyone’s fireplace and I want to see myself on the cover of some stupid art magazine. I want expensive websites with blogs in regards to my awesome art. I want to be a power seller on Ebay. I want some gallery snob to sell my art to a snobbier art patron. I want some stylish teenager to wear my painting on her t-shirt with a rhinestone belt. I want to paint and get friggin’ get paid for it too!!!! Simply put, I’m hungry. I want my cake and I want to eat the whole damn thing!


Hello world! Welcome to my blog. What does blog mean anyway? Where did they get such a FUNKY title for such a mundane sport. What happen to the word journals or posts. Funny how words are invented and then used in a world of many.

Just to warn you, I am not much of a writer, but I always seem to have something to say (at least that is what my husband says!). So if my grammar or spelling is off, don't sweat it. There are worse things in this world, like MSG, muffin top, trying on bathing suits, you know what I mean. Now, where was I?

I am an artist living in the warm beautiful desert of Arizona. Now, I could bore you by rambling on about how I love to paint, draw, create, blah blah blah…..but you'll learn that soon enough. I'd rather entertain you with adjectives that are not so obvious. For example, I live a holistic lifestyle (whatever that means). I’m a proud wife and mother. I’m feisty, sassy, athletic, funny, loud, obnoxious, a horrible speller, and most importantly, hungry to crush the cliché "starving artist." You are probably asking yourself, "Self, how is this crazy girl gonna do that?" Well, let me tell you while I still have your attention. Some cute boy told me to watch "The Secret" but I didn't right away. However in January 2007, I was watching the Oprah show and the theme that day was some DVD called "The Secret". Finally, a little light bulb went off inside my head (it's not always on) and I ran to the computer to order a copy of "The Secret". I watched and cried over it numerous times. I even bought it for the ones I love. Long story short, it changed my life. It sparked a fuse that has been inside me forever. I always wanted to pursue an artist career but never had the ingenuity. Well that has changed. Currently, I am open to any venue that will buy or exhibit my artwork. I just opened an Ebay store and my paintings are selling like hotcakes……well, did I tell you I exaggerate alot? Truth is, I am totally pimping out the artwork and feeling mighty fine doing it!!!!

I guess when I'm not pushing the paintbrush, I still have art on the brain. This is where you will hear all about this, that, and the other. Welcome to my blog and remember, I am always open for feedback (especially if it is funny), comments, purchases, tomato throwing, or just plain ol' hugs and kisses.

Hello world and WATCH OUT!!!!

That's all!